
Climate Change: The Roles of Govt., Industries, NGOs, Political Parties, Media & Public


In this book, the authors discuss about the climate change and its negative effect on our environment in an easy way. They also determine the roles of Govt., Industries, NGOs, Political Parties, Media and Public in climate change, climate change adaption policy formulation and practices.

In this book, the authors discuss about the climate change and its negative effect on our environment in an easy way. They also determine the roles of Govt., Industries, NGOs, Political Parties, Media and Public in climate change, climate change adaption policy formulation and practices. Climate change is directly or indirectly impacting our regular lives and the climate condition of the different regions is becoming violent day by day. It makes the natural disasters and hazards more extreme than the past. The emission of Green House Gases (GHGs) is increasing the temperature of the atmosphere and polluted it as well. For this reason, the temperature of earth surface is gradually increasing. To provide real world example, the research has chosen a particular beverage company and analyzes its roles in climate change. The research also tries to identify the impact of climate change in Australia’s Tasmania island capital Hobart. The natural, social and economic impacts of climate change on this city and the entire region are also discussed. The research also analyzes whether the govt. has taken any action or climate change adaptation strategy to cope with this major issue.


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