
Ebola Epidemic: A Detail Survival Guide From Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak


Ebola is an epidemic virus. This virus is very dangerous than bird flu, SARS, NIPAH (NiV) and other type of epidemic viruses. In the recent days the entire world face great challenges to remove this Ebola virus from the earth. Researchers and scientists have problems when trying to develop diagnostic tools to assist in the diagnosis of Ebola Virus Disease in the early stages and undertaking ecological researches on Ebola virus and its probable causes. Additionally, the research also aims to observe areas that are suspected to ascertain the disease rates. To effectively prevent Ebola outbreaks in future, more thorough knowledge on Ebola virus’s disease (EVD) natural reservoir and its spread should be gained.

Ebola is an epidemic virus. This virus is very dangerous than bird flu, SARS, NIPAH (NiV) and other type of epidemic viruses. In the recent days the entire world face great challenges to remove this Ebola virus from the earth. Researchers and scientists have problems when trying to develop diagnostic tools to assist in the diagnosis of Ebola Virus Disease in the early stages and undertaking ecological researches on Ebola virus and its probable causes. Additionally, the research also aims to observe areas that are suspected to ascertain the disease rates. To effectively prevent Ebola outbreaks in future, more thorough knowledge on Ebola virus’s disease (EVD) natural reservoir and its spread should be gained. The following detail information about Ebola Virus Disease is available in this book:

1. History of Ebola Virus
2. Causes of Ebola Virus
3. Symptoms of Ebola Virus Infection in Human Body
4. Ebola Virus Disease Diagnosis Process
5. Treatment and Vaccine for Ebola Virus Disease
6. Controlling EVD Infection in Health-Care Settings
7. Advice for EVD Health Professionals
8. Risk Factors of Ebola Virus Disease
9. Ebola Vaccine Development Efforts

This book is helpful for those people who want to develop their knowledge about Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and want to get rid of this virus.


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